Saturday, February 13, 2016

To a chick without any potential what am I going to do with you!

I'm trying to figure out what am I gonna do with you? You don't have no plans for the future. You're not taking care of your bills. You don't even make your own decisions you rely on others to make decisions for you so my only question to you is what am I gonna do with you. Let's map it out we fall in love but you refuse to change your fast pace lifestyle while I'm hoping you change sooner than later. All of a sudden you miss your period and immediately go to the doctor where it's confirmed you're pregnant now our baby is born in a bad situation. I'm going all out for our child but from your prior actions I can't expect the same. You refuse to stop being coddled by your parents. You just refuse to grow up and there's no future plans for you so once more chick with no potential, no goals and no future mapped out what am I going to do with you. Raising a child in a world where one parent goes all out but the other is nonchalant can make a child feel or think any kind of way. Maybe they're not loved enough or maybe that parent just doesn't care for them. Your actions better yet lack of actions can do that. I rather wait longer to find the right woman and we plan having a child instead of having a child with a woman with no hope. So to a woman without any potential what am I going to do with you?

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