Sunday, November 15, 2015

regurgitating love

Intaking love seems simple but sometimes however it's disgusting it's intolerable. Sometimes even though it went down smoothly you might have to remove it from your body immediately. regurgitating love is easy for some but dramatic for others. You're putting an end to something that you once thought was nourishing for your body and mind. Instead you found out you ingested toxic waste and it's not good for you at all. It's causing you stress that's leading to high blood pressure and possibly worse to come if you hold onto that meal meaning that person who just brings no good into your life. I don't get it. Why keep someone around who just brings negativity into your life? Because of love is your answer then you're an illiterate imbassel. Don't be naive regurgitate love if you have to. Don't hold onto something that's just not worth holding onto!

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