Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The so called best friend! By: Omar Black

At one point in Franklin's life he thought having a best friend was a possibility until he got betrayed and he realized that in a world where betrayal loves to reveal its ugly head he now knows no one can truly trust anyone so he believes that no one can truthfully say that they have a best friend. He used to believe that there's always that one person you can rely on but he always thought of that what if that best friend exposes your deepest secret or secrets to people who shouldn't know your business. He always thought that after that happens can he really look at them as his best friend ever again? Everything for Franklin was good until that same exact this he always wondered actually happened to him and that's what happened to him late last year which had him engulfed in rage after he heard word that his so called best friend exposed his darkest secret. I mean seriously he can't even listen to an apology from his so called friend at this point because why was said should've never been said to anyone. The secret is incriminating and Franklin doesn't need that being spread around so he has to find away to keep it from being spread even more. Forgive and forget is easy sometimes but somethings are harder to forgive let alone forget. One thing Franklin always spoke of is that he knows people love having power and secrets are powerful. What he reminded himself but slipped is that he should have never confided his secrets with anyone. He already knows that confiding your deepest secrets in someone should come with caution. The what ifs in life should come into play. Questions should be asked. What if me and this so called best friend falls out of touch? Will they reveal the secrets I revealed to them? Are they a jealous person who loves to gossip? Are they known for putting everyone else's business out there? These are some questions that should just be asked because betrayal is waiting to invade your life and ruin it in every way it possibly can just ask Franklin who's faced with confronting his so called best friend which no good will come from it or he has to confront his best friend peacefully and hopefully he can tell those who he's revealed Franklin's secret to that it was a lie or just some made up joke. Franklin knows no one will believe that last scenario so he has to take the necessary actions to keep his secrets hidden. From now on he knows he has to be smart and most importantly be cautious in who he trusts enough to reveal his secrets to but after this event he'll probably never trust anyone ever again...... To be continued 

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