Friday, May 2, 2014

Donald Sterling "I should've paid her off"

Instead of taking time to apologize to any individual or group of people he offended with his words Donald Sterling decided to show his true colors which is he doesn't care whom he might've offended with his words he just wishes the person didn't do what she did. He doesn't regret what he said because those are his true feelings. He's a racist and it's that easy for anyone to comprehend. In a situation as such he should be sympathetic to the people he might have offended with his words. This just proves the power of the almighty dollar and how people who possess such large sums of money believe their above the law and repercussions for any of their despicable actions. If Donald Sterling wasn't as successful as he is financially sure this wouldn't be a story that makes major headlines however his mindset wouldn't be I should have paid her off. The problem with people like Donald Sterling is that they believe they can say whatever without suffering any consequences. This should be a time when Donald Sterling is apologizing to all of the minority groups in this country he offended instead he's acting as though he did no wrong. No one's above the law and no one's above public criticism if you think that you are you'll be in the same position as Donald Sterling one day.

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