Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Gun Violence in the USA

Another day with more violent acts committed. Innocent lives are being taken daily because of senseless acts by people with no conscience. I'm tired of watching the news and hearing about these crimes but there seems to be no actions done in order to stop these acts. The government still isn't taking any actions to stop gun violence. Of course we the people are responsible for our own selves however when will our government take greater action in cutting off loopholes that will prevent mentally challenged people along with people with a criminal pass from being able to purchase guns. Addition when will our government step up and take more action in cracking down on the black market dealing of guns. Fort Hood which is a United States military post located in Killeen, Texas once more witnessed tragedy when a gun man took the lives of four people and wounded more than a dozen others. The gunman himself suffered from mental health issues. How was this guy able to purchase a gun when he was being treated for his mental health issues? I'm not sure how or even why he was in possession of a gun but any person suffering with mental issues should not under any circumstance possess a gun in my opinion. They will not only put themselves in harms way but they can put innocent people in harms way as well because their mental state can change at anytime. Our government needs to step up and close these loopholes and stop being concerned with the NRA. It's sickening to know that there are people out there who have a deep rooted passion for guns that they're willing to sacrifice lives in order to ensure the universal background check does not go into affect. Why is this? Why wouldn't you want every potential gun owner to undergo the proper background checks in order to be sure they don't have a criminal pass or a mental illness that should prevent them from purchasing that gun in the first place? It's all about money and it will always be about money so unfortunately ladies and gentlemen gun violence will continue. We have the power to speak up and voice our concerns the problem is not enough of us are willing to speak up to be heard. Instead very few of us are speaking up but our voices are falling on deaf ears. Its like being at a rock concert in the nose bleed section and trying to get the attention of the band on stage performing. unfortunately they can't hear you. However when everyone in the nose bleed section speaks up and more people closer to the stage speak up that band can hear you now. Politicians and the NRA knows the problem we have in this country. They just don't care to listen because few of us actually care to speak up.

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