Thursday, May 5, 2016

I play Dr. Phil to all of Em! By: Omar Black

Ronaldo is a ladies man and he doesn't lie about what he is. He hasn't worked a day in his life and he makes his women pay all of his bills. One would call him a male gigolo but if you ever tell him that's what he is he'll immediately respond "I'm too good to be a male gigolo." He's Rico suave with every woman he meets. His smooth talking skills is second to no one. He'll make a woman feel that she's the center of the world's attention and a smile will be written all over her face within seconds of their conversation beginning. His outfit is always a well pressed and tailored Armani suit. His hair his always nicely combed to the back. What makes him win is he plays the role of Dr. Phil to every woman he meets. He listens to their problems then he takes over. He's all about getting to the root of their life's problems. His wannabe psychology skills is like none other and he uses it to get any woman that he wants. However on the evening of July 17 in the heart of Manhattan he ran into a gorgeous milf named Rebecka. However  Rebecka can't be fooled by his antics. The moment he spotted her he pursued her. Her luscious curves caught his eye and he went in for the kill. "Nice to meet you lovely, your beauty is undeniable." he said. But before he continued Rebecka replied "take your childish player ways some place else." "It's not going to work with me!" It was a punch to the gut and he has no clue what to do. Never before has he been in a vulnerable spot like he is now but he believes he knows exactly how to capture this woman.... To be continued!

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