Saturday, July 16, 2016

In a perfect world you're the perfect girl! By: Omar Black

In a perfect world you're the perfect girl but I'm not the perfect man for ya, but for whatever reason you're the perfect girl for me. In a perfect world I'm the perfect man but you're not the right woman for me. But the world ain't perfect so you're perfect for me and I'm perfect for you. In a perfect world our love wouldn't exist even though we both need each other. But what's the perfect world when you can't have the love of you life apart of your life. Nothing's perfect and it's a reason why. We all have flaws and my flaws compliment your strengths and your flaws compliments my strengths so we can help each other grow. In a perfect world with the perfect girl but the perfect guy is someone else. Why live in a perfect world if you're gonna live by yourself?

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