Monday, January 2, 2017

Ball drop! By: Omar Black

"This is my New Year's resolution....." Every year Saben decides he's going to change this bad habit or that bad habit or stop dating this type of girl or that type of girl and his plan is to get new money for the new year when the ball drops. But for whatever reason the new year comes and no new money comes well new money comes and that goes directly to bills. Oh yeah the females he says he's going to stay away from he can't stay away from and the women he says he's going to go after he still goes after and ends up doing the same thing with them like he does with the toxic women he dates. Every year he makes New Year's resolutions but he never keeps them. He tries to keep them but no more than a week to two weeks into the new year he's already breaking his New Year's resolution. So this year he's decided to make his New Year's resolution all about him saying bye to the old and hello to the new. He won't mess with any of his exes from his past nor will he go back to his now old job. 2017 is a new year for him and everything has to be brand new. Hopefully as the ball drops and the new year begins he sticks to his New Year's resolution because he has yet to stick to any of his previous ones.

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