Tricia believes her time and anything extra is worth money so everything about her has a price tag. She resides in New York and as quickly as time flies in the city that never sleeps she believes she should be making money nonstop everyday every single second. She banked nearly three mill last year and that's just off the income she decided to report. She'll reject anyone she knows that can't afford her time. However she will do it for the money and the fame that'll lead to the power she definitely wants. It'll complete the pieces to the missing pieces to the puzzle of her life. When she met Omar the up and coming rising star with roots from Jamaica. Her moves are of a person who's strategic and patient. While she's trying to observe everything about him so she can catch his attention than conquer his heart which will mislead his brain. She will do anything to get a guaranteed check so she will do anything to capture his time. Once she does that she plans on living out the life she's always wanted. She knows it isn't right but it's the quickest way to the fortune she's always wanted. So when I approached she just started poppin for a n*gga and she told me it's real. She a bad one so I know she will do whatever..... to be continued!
Inspired by Lil Wayne and Drake - She will
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