Everything on this page is copyrighted. These are all my original ideas and they are all copyrighted if you want rights to any of my material please contact me @: collegegradwallstreetdreamer@yahoo.com
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
I'm motivated to succeed
The world revolves around money no matter what anyone says. I'm not motivated to succeed in life because of money I'm motivated to succeed in life because of my family. I know that this world revolves around money and the more you have the more powerful you are. I could careless about how powerful money can make a person I care more about how much a person can give back and help others with the large sum of money they have. The problem with this world is so many people are greedy they could only care about themselves instead of the thousands if not millions of other people worldwide who are suffering like they once suffered. Being able to take care of your family and other loved ones should be the key to the reason why anyone would want to succeed in life. I want and I will become a successful author not just because it's my dream but mainly because I know I have a gift that will bless me with fortune thus I can take care of my family and friends as well as other people that are struggling to get by their day to day lives. The top one percent of people in this world can put an end to poverty seeing as most of them could careless about doing so I will step up to the plate and become that person who's driven to save lives with the money I will receive by publishing my novels.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
WHy do we have to pay for college?
To me it's preposterous the fact that we have to pay college tuition. Think about it we have to pay our own money in order to further our own education. Really? If you don't look at school as a business then you're a buffoon. College is one of the best businesses that man has ever invented. Next to any business geared towards infants and automobiles colleges is a big business and will remain so. We're a country that's filled with people who don't want their hard earned tax dollars to go to the poor so these are the people who should be fighting hard to make college free for everyone. Not everyone has a warrior inside of them. Not everyone has what it takes to join the military so that shouldn't be the only group of people that get all of their college fees waived because of their sacrifices for the greater good of our nation. I just believe there should be other programs offered or alternatives other than joining the military to waive college tuition fees. We have to come up with ways to make any and everyone able to go to college free of cost. Just think about it. More people will be enticed to attend college which they will finish and be able to earn a better paying career. With more people attending college because it's free only means more people attending having jobs which cuts down on people who apply and receive welfare and/or food stamps. We have to all be all in because thus far even in 2014 we're not. I understand colleges run based on the money they receive from students college tuition's however the government can take care of that. The government will be able to fund schools due to the fact that more and more people are working better jobs so more and more tax dollars are accumulating. It's a win win as a matter of fact it's an even bigger win for our country and our national debt. Think about it less crime will occur because most crimes occur because of the fact that people are struggling financially and they need a way to get money quick. With free college means no excuses and no excuses means a better country and safer country for us all. Sure there's a handful of people who are just lazy and will never attend school no matter what. But there are also millions of Americans who want to go to school but are discouraged by the fees. Let's step up and make this incredible change that will benefit our entire nation.
Friday, May 23, 2014
New York! New York!
The city of dreams. The city that can turn a nobody into the ultimate somebody. If you want to succeed there's one city you should consider living and that's New York. Known for people that are straightforward and a city who'll chew up the weak and spit them out in the Jersey Shore you must be prepared to live in the city where all dreams can be accomplished because the opportunities are endless. New York's not for everyone but it's a city that gets you prepared for the real world. It let's you know from when you first visit her that the real world can be cruel and if you're not ready for it it'll easily steamroll you right over. There's no succeeding in New York for the weak you have to be cutthroat you have to have the mentality that you will succeed and no one will get in your way which is the personality most New Yorkers take on. It's not an act it's not a gimmick New Yorkers understand the world we live in isn't peaches and cream it's harsh. Life doesn't hand you lemonade it hands you lemons and you make your own lemonade out of it. Well honestly you have to hustle in order to get the lemons that will make the lemonade. It's the city where dreams are made. It's the city where your dreams can become a reality. New York! New York here I come.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Bigotry is it instilled in us all?
It's tough to say but it's a fact whether scientists have proven it or not. Somewhere deep down inside us all is a little bigotry whether we want to admit it or not. We are all prejudice is someway based on facts about different race, religious groups, a person sex we all have a little prejudice instilled within us. Crossing the street when you notice someone who appears as a criminal heading in your direction is a form of bigotry and prejudice. Like it or not or whether you want to believe it or not we all have some bigotry within us. We all are a bit prejudice we prejudge some people based on an appearance that we as a society have referred to as a criminal look or the look of a person who have evil within them. But is a person's appearance defining. Does the way someone look ultimately decides whether or not a person is suspicious? I feel that it's not right but we all have that stigma towards a certain look. Whether it's a rich white guy in a suit who appears boisterous people may perceive him as a narcissist or a black guy with dreads people may perceive him as a criminal. We have to wake up and we all have to realize that we are the causes of these stereotypes. We are all the causes of the bigotry and prejudice that's within us all. When are we going to stop labeling a certain look to a particular race that makes us a bit terrified when we see those people around us. A look doesn't define a person's character but Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech has fell on deaf ears for today's society and the world we have lived in for the past hundred years or so. Hatred is instilled in us and prejudice is built up within us and it's time we take a look in the mirror and asks ourselves why and how we can change individually and ultimately change as a whole.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Teen Drug Addicts
An issue that went from a minor one and now it's a growing epidemic. Whether it's prescription pills or illegal pills, marijuana, cocaine or even syrup teens are the new target for drug dealers. Teens used to spend their money on clothes, shoes, cell phone bills, or money to get into clubs that's for teens. Nowadays that's all out the window teens are now and have been using their money on drugs. It's the new normal not for all teens but for a good amount of them which is a growing concern for parents, teachers, relatives and loved ones of those teens that are becoming addicted to these drugs. The new normal is horrendous to say but it's becoming a fact that people can't sweep under a rug or just keep within their households hoping their neighbors or loved ones won't find out. The affects of these drugs are evident and it's shown all over the teens face by aging them faster than normal. Drug dealers go wherever the money resides and the money resides in these teenagers some who know no better and some who just wants to fit it and some who are just reckless and just wants to get a high to help them get over the fact that their life isn't going the direction they had hoped or they're not receiving the grades their parents expect of them. Teens are becoming as worrisome as adults and with the growing pressure to go to college and get a great education in order to receive a higher paying job it's becoming a pressure filled life for these young soon to be adults. College cost is a key factor to kids using drugs because the pressure is on them to receive good grades or play well enough to receive a scholarship that will pay for their college education on their some of their parents can't afford. On the other hand some kids just receive pressure to live up to their parents accomplishments which is also attributing to their drug usage. Counselors should take more action in guiding these children in the right direction but it starts at home with the parents. We need to take more initiative before we lose more and more teens lives due to the uncontrollable drug addiction some of them have. We have to take action and take the initiative now.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Sex trafficking
America oh America why do we commit sins just for money? America oh America why are we willing to ruin lives for a quick buck? Sex trafficking in the United States is increasing annually. The numbers are disturbing and with the numbers rising it just means more customers participating in this inhumane program and more people willing to go above and beyond to get a piece of the financial cake. People are willing to pay large sums of money in order to get their hands on a young innocent woman or sometimes even worse a young innocent girl. The things that are done to them can go without being said however the fact that this is continuing and no one in D.C. is stepping up to stop these sex trafficking rings is even more alarming. I'm beginning to believe that some politicians have their hands in this inhumane event that for whatever reason isn't slowing down but it's ramping up. There are too many sick and sadistic individuals living in this country who have sadistic thoughts and who will pay a great deal of money to live out those thoughts. They aren't men they're cowards who'll pay others money in order to get the job done thus they can live out their twisted fantasies. Unfortunately innocent women, girls and boys suffer due to these psychotic individuals needs. We have to take action we have to let it be known this will no longer be tolerated and we have to take these issues to the people we vote into office. They continue to act as though our votes matter and they'll do anything for us as long as we ask them but really they're just using us thus they can get into office and pursue their own narcissistic agendas. We have to take action and make our voices be heard loud and clear. We need celebrities to use their fame to get the word out. We need to take action now or more and more girls, boys, and women will be taken from their homelands and brought here and will be used for sexual favors whether they've agreed to it or not. Stop sex trafficking it's becoming a bigger issue than drug trafficking. Let's take a stand and let' take that stand now!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Sexism the real reason why so many great women will never be able to show their true greatness.
From since the beginning of time sexism has existed and it's has put the strangle hold on millions of women preventing them from pursuing their dreams. Sexist males think for whatever reason a woman can't be as strong business minded as a man or they just believe women are more emotional than men. Well the truth is there's no doubt that there's more men that act off of emotions than women. Men cry, steal and lie off of emotion as much if not more than a woman. Why aren't women in even more higher positions now than men is because the CEO's and owners of some of the world's biggest companies are sexist. They don't believe that women have the killer instinct in order to make decisions and get things done within a business. Why I can't answer that question because I am not a sexist. My objective in life is to empower women to be great and see the greatness that is instilled within them all. On the other hand there are plenty of men who believe women are nothing shorter than objects when in actuality women are great and better than men. If women wanted to they could all decide to end human existence if they wanted to today. They can all decide not to conceive another child and the human civilization will quickly become existence. I was raised by a strong woman and I've seen firsthand how strong and powerful women are and can be. Unfortunately women have to strive to continue to breakdown barriers to open doors for themselves or for other women in the future. Jealousy can't be apart of this situation under any circumstance. Women can't spite one another because of the success of another woman. You all have to cheer each other on. You have to root for each other to succeed without having any hatred in your heart. Due to the fact that that woman who's breaking down barriers to give more women an opportunity to succeed in the business world or in any other type of career could be the same woman who paved the way for your daughter or your niece or your sister or cousin or mother or grandmother to succeed. Stop tearing each other down and start lifting each other up the hard ladder we call life. You all have to stick together for a greater cause. Hilary Clinton may step into office as president of the United States of America. That history that could be made isn't something to be overlooked it's to be applauded. But other women you have to do your part because she will face objectivity from sexist male leaders who will look down on her because she's a woman. It shouldn't be that way but it is. Step up women and help stop the road block placed in front of you all better known as sexism
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
The power of wealth!
With money comes unimaginable power. You have the power to mentally persuade someone in ways that the average person can't. When people think about wealth they're only thought is success and with that great success comes power. Whether that person is right or wrong he can convince people to agree with them based solely on the amount of money they have stored in their bank account(s). I once met a man who opened several businesses at the age of eighteen needless to say but he's twenty five years old now just like I am and he's now a multimillionaire. The power this guy has is unimaginable. With the snap of a finger people obey his every command. In the eyes of plenty of people that surrounds him and that knows of him from a distance he can not do any wrong. Life for him is in the fast lane and there's no slowing him down. The business decisions he's made is beyond impressive and due to that success he can get almost anyone with money to invest in his ideas. Past achievements especially when it comes to the business world means a great deal to many different people especially the ones who want to make a large chunk of money or those who wouldn't mind seeing their bank accounts increase in size in the matter of months or a few short years. This guy who shall be nameless got a bunch of wealthy and wannabe wealthy individuals to invest in his idea without using a dime of his money. Promising them all that his idea and his plan is a can't miss opportunity. Well the opportunity fell flat on its face and now those investors have lost a large sum of the money they've worked so hard to gain. The wealthy individuals took a slight hit to their pockets whereas the wannabes are suffering a great deal some have or probably won't be able to recover financially anytime soon. The power of his wealth persuaded them and with any investment comes a great risk but it just goes to show you past success doesn't guarantee future success. He hasn't lost a dime and although he's been sued by several of his investors he may not suffer at all because all of his funds in his bank account were all mysteriously withdrawn several months before the investors gave him their money. For all of them this is a lesson learned however for a few of them it's a lesson they didn't want to study at all.
Monday, May 12, 2014
No Sterling family member should have any ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers!
When you sign up for fame or fortune or both no longer do you have the freedom to speak without being criticized. You are now in the public spotlight and you've given anyone and everyone in the world the right to speak up and speak out against you. Fame and fortune elevates you to a higher level and it also gives people the ammunition to criticize anything you say whether it's a big deal or not. I know I know it sucks but it's reality which is why fame isn't for everyone and neither is fortune because too many people can't deal with the responsibilities that come along with it. Like the old saying goes "fame comes with a price" and so does fortune. Every word you say shall be scrutinized to the tee and this is the reason why politicians are held accountable for their words and why so many of them decides to keep their true feelings about race, sexuality, abortion and other touchy subjects to themselves. Donald Sterling shouldn't have any ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers and neither should his family members continue to profit off of them. The fact that he's still the owner of the Clippers today makes me sick because he's still making millions of dollars off of the players who majority of them he despises because of their race. The owners need to take a stand and take a swifter action thus Donald Sterling nor his family continue to profit off of the players who really are the reason the Clippers make any money to begin with.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
NBA Playoffs. Rigged or not?
Year after year it seems there are a good amount of people out there who believe the NBA already has a plan in place as to who is going to win the NBA championship before the season even begins. Well i'm on the fence about this one because I am a Miami Heat fan and in game 6 of the NBA finals the San Antonio Spurs were up by fix points with twenty seconds left and the Miami Heat. If the NBA were rigged why would they allow the Miami Heat to be down by five point with so little time left. Ray Allen had to drain a three point shot with only seconds left in the game in order for the game to go to overtime. If the NBA wanted the Miami heat to win the NBA championship why would they allow that scenario to play out I just don't get it. Maybe I'm being naive because I don't want anyone to feel as though my team is being handed championships without having to actually work for them. Plenty of blood, sweat and tears get laid out onto that hardwood floor by my team before and even after games in oder to perfect their game. Now think why would the NBA want the 1999 shortened NBA season to be won by the San Antonio Spurs over the New York Knicks the mecca of basketball. New York is the city of dreams and it's where billions of dollars are made daily literally. Why wouldn't the NBA just hand the Knicks championships why would they want to see the Knicks lose season after season? I can't comprehend that at all. If the NBA is rigged it should always be in favor for the bigger markets because with the bigger market teams winning it means higher ratings and even more money being injected into the league. The objective is to compete with the NFL in annual revenue which they'll never compete with the NFL but if that's their goal why aren't the pushing for bigger market teams to win? Answer that question. Why would they hand Tim Duncan four rings when they can give Kobe Bryant three or four more rings in LA or give Carmelo Anthony a ring or two in New York? Come on people. Give me a valid point as to why the Boston Celtics only have one championship in nearly two decades. Give me a reason why the Chicago Bulls haven't won a ring since Michael Jordan left. You can't give me a reason because there isn't one to give.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Becoming a man or woman in the public spotlight!
Is it possible to mature when the world's watching your every move? Is it possible to grow up normal in the public spotlight? Prince Harry, Jaden Smith, Romeo Miller just some of the many young men who I know of that's had to do so and still has to do so. The expectation to live up to your family's name also makes life just that much harder and I can't imagine what these guys and the hundred if not thousands of other young men and women have to go through. Becoming a man or woman in the public spotlight especially nowadays is even harder than ever when anyone can pull out a camera and record every word they say. When anyone can privately voice record their words and sell it or upload it to the internet for anyone to hear makes it even harder for a young man or young woman to grow up in the limelight. I completely understand why so many celebrities and politicians do their best to keep their children out of the public spotlight but with reality shows at a peak and people willing to expose their lives for their fifteen minutes of fame it just makes it harder for everyone else to keep their lives private. There are so many people out there who look at it from this point of view which is "if they're willing to expose their children for money why don't other people do that as well?" It's a tough life that many people can't handle unfortunately some of those people are in the public spotlight. Some of those people suffer because of it so being famous isn't the ideal for everyone.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Single Parent Household (Psychological Warfare)
Am I good enough? Am I deserving of anything good to come my way? Who am I really not having a father in my life? Did he know something about me before I even grew up? Did he not love me enough to be apart of my life? My father's never been my father he's just the guy who married my mother and had a child with her. On the other hand I can't say that I hate him. I can't say that I don't love him. The one man in my life that should've been in my life but was absent like a child who decides school isn't for them. Instead of correcting his errors and deciding to be apart of my life he decided I wasn't important enough to be there for. My mother raised me and made me into the man I am today while my father has nothing to do with me besides giving me my middle and last name. I will ultimately change my name because of it. How can I care so much about a person who never cared about me? How can I have love for someone who never showed me any love. I've always wanted your acceptance. I've always wanted your guidance and your knowledge to help me become a better man. You decided I wasn't worth your time. Your marriage with my mother ended just after I was born but under no circumstance should your relationship with me should have ever ended. But good did come out of it because I know now how to never be towards the children I will have. I know how important having a father figure is so my children will not have to go through what you've put me through. My children will not question why my father isn't there for me because I will always be there for them. You've made me a stronger man even though you never intended to do so. You've helped me find my inner strength even though that was never your intention. I thank you for that my absentee father. R.I.P. Melbourne Lewis my should have been dad.
Monday, May 5, 2014
The worst thing a person can be is desperate
Now there are plenty of annoying habits about people that I can't tolerate and I'm quite sure you will all agree. An unclean person is annoying but you can keep your distance from those types of people. Also a sensitive person is another type of individual that is annoying however you can completely avoid their sensitivity by not being around them are not confiding in them. Additionally you can avoid being straightforward with them. On the other hand my biggest pet peeve is a desperate person. Sure there will come a time when we have to ask for what we want but when asking for what we want turns into begging it just shows a desperate person. There's nothing worst than a desperate person. They beg and plead with you to get what they want. It becomes annoying because of the fact that they use sob stories to get your sympathy when we all struggle at a certain point and time in our lives. It doesn't matter if you're rich or if you're poor we will all go through struggles that's tough for us all to face. However using that as a constant excuse as to why you've never lived a normal life or why you're still struggling is a poor excuse. Stop being desperate and star taking action. This is life and life could care less about what you've been through. Life could care less about you being desperate so stop annoying people and take action and make your life a better one.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Donald Sterling "I should've paid her off"
Instead of taking time to apologize to any individual or group of people he offended with his words Donald Sterling decided to show his true colors which is he doesn't care whom he might've offended with his words he just wishes the person didn't do what she did. He doesn't regret what he said because those are his true feelings. He's a racist and it's that easy for anyone to comprehend. In a situation as such he should be sympathetic to the people he might have offended with his words. This just proves the power of the almighty dollar and how people who possess such large sums of money believe their above the law and repercussions for any of their despicable actions. If Donald Sterling wasn't as successful as he is financially sure this wouldn't be a story that makes major headlines however his mindset wouldn't be I should have paid her off. The problem with people like Donald Sterling is that they believe they can say whatever without suffering any consequences. This should be a time when Donald Sterling is apologizing to all of the minority groups in this country he offended instead he's acting as though he did no wrong. No one's above the law and no one's above public criticism if you think that you are you'll be in the same position as Donald Sterling one day.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Becoming a published author!
The process of writing a novel is a complex what that I have been through fourteen times and with experience things should come easier right? Well for me it's a yes and no answer to that one simple question. Beginning and ending a novel correctly and focusing on each character comes a lot smoother to me than it did once I began writing on the other hand it's still hard to write and complete an effective novel. I feel from a writers standpoint that you should view your own novel as a fan. You shouldn't write a novel that's uninteresting to you because you have to think about the potential audience you're targeting. If you don't find your novels to be bearable how will anyone else find it bearable? I'm continuing my journey which began in Miami now currently in Chicago but I will soon be heading to the Big Apple. That's right folks I will soon be moving to New York City come June and I'm looking to publish my materials. I have sat back too long cheering on others to succeed and watching others succeed at getting published and having a successful novel or two under their belt now it's my time. To anyone out there who knows of any good publicists or literary agents that's willing to work with an up and coming novelist such as myself please email me at: issuesa@yahoo.com. I dedicated and committed to succeeding in my future career as an author. The process of becoming published is a complex one and sometimes knowing someone trumps the talent one may possess. I have the talent now I'm asking anyone out there that knows of anyone in the book publishing industry who's willing to put the time and effort into working with an unpublished author with fourteen completed novels of all different kinds of genres from action to drama to suspense and young adult novels please contact me. Success is coming my way and anyone on my side will reap the benefits of my success. I'm willing to email a synopsis or parts of my novels which are all copyrighted and needs to be edited to anyone who's willing to help me begin my soon to be success career as a author.
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